Programmes and strategies

1. PLP R/W Programme

This programme caters for individual ability levels as students read graded readers. Students are leveled according to their reading ability.

The programme is implemented from Primary One to Primary Three.

2. School-based Curriculum Development Support Services for Primary Schools provided by School-based
    Curriculum Development (Primary) Section of Education Bureau

Teachers design a variety of teaching strategies to promote reading across the curriculum from P.4 to P.6. Students enhance their reading skills by reading books of different text types. They also improve generic skills by doing various kinds of classroom activities.

3. Fostering Communities of Practice to Enhance Learning and Teaching in a Small Class Environment

This programme is implemented in P.3 and is supported by the Chinese University of Hong Kong. It aims to enhance learning and teaching and promote positive education. P.3 teachers have co-planning meetings, lesson observations and reflections regularly. They also work through the process of lesson study together and share their experiences with other teachers.

4. P.5 Speaking programme

A NET conducts speaking classes in P. 5 on Mondays. Students learn English and enhance their speaking skills.

5. English Mock Interview for P. 6 students

English Mock Interview is held for P.6 students to prepare them to go for the interview delivered by secondary schools. Native English speaking teachers work with local English teachers to conduct the interview. Each P.6 student can get practice and improve interview skills through the experience.

6. Cross-curricular activity

Cross-curricular activity is held with the department of Music. Students are taught how to sing English songs about love and care.

7. Language-rich environment

 Different classes take turns to perform in English during morning assembly.

 Labels of objects, posters of classroom language and instructions are displayed in classrooms.

 Posters of wise sayings are put up around the campus.

 Students’ works are displayed around the campus.

樂善堂楊仲明學校L.S.T. Yeung Chung Ming Primary School
地址:九龍牛頭角樂華南邨振華道70號Address : Lok Wah South Estate, Ngau Tau Kok, Kowloon
電話(Tel):27559195傳真(Fax):27961057© 2025 版權所有
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