
1. PLP R/W Programme

This programme caters for individual ability levels as students read graded readers. Students are leveled according to their reading ability.

The programme is implemented from Primary One to Primary Three.




2. School-based Curriculum Development Support Services for Primary Schools provided by School-based Curriculum Development (Primary) Section of Education Bureau

The Curriculum Officer of the Support Services have co-planning meetings with teachers to design a variety of teaching strategies.

The Curriculum Officer of the Support Services provides workshops for all the teachers too.

3. English Drama Club

Students have drama activities. They build up confidence in speaking English and have fun at the same time.


4. Easter Poster Design Competition

 Students design Easter posters and learn about the festival.



5. Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival

Students participated in 2018-19 Solo Verse Speaking Competition and obtained very good results. They learned a lot and gained much experience in the whole process.



6. English Fun Day

English booth games were set up in the hall. Students enjoyed the Fun Day.  


7. Recess English Games

Students play English games during recess, learning English in a fun way.



8. Cambridge English Class

Primary one to three students train in Writing, Listening and Speaking for the Cambridge English exams, covering grammar, vocabulary, syntax and daily language.


9. My Story Creation Workshop

This year we cooperated with Kids4Kids to provide My Story Creation Workshop for our p.2 classes and some elite students in .p.5 and p.6. The students learned how to create a story and draw pictures for it.  A group of students from p.6 was awarded the Most Promising Writing Award.






10. Cross-curricular activity

Cross-curricular activity was held with the department of Music. Students were taught how to sing English songs about love and care.






樂善堂楊仲明學校L.S.T. Yeung Chung Ming Primary School
地址:九龍牛頭角樂華南邨振華道70號Address : Lok Wah South Estate, Ngau Tau Kok, Kowloon
電話(Tel):27559195傳真(Fax):27961057© 2024 版權所有
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